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Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator

  1. Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator Translation
  2. Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translators
  3. Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator Google
  4. Linguist Vs Translator

There is quite a bit of confusion online about these two terms.


1: a person accomplished in languages; especially: one who speaks several languages

Run windows on mac 10 5 8. 2: a person who specializes in linguistics

I think this depends on how you're translating the page. At the time I used the google translator page, I don't know how chrome's translation bar handles things, because according to MDN it has no browser support at all. I only tested it on a span element though so no idea how the translator handles other elements. – Tarulia May 5 '15 at 17:10. Translation & Language Services WordPress Theme 1.1.5. Translang is an ideal responsive stylish & clean WordPress Theme for translation agencies, as well as linguist firm, translation bureau, freelance translator, online translation company, translation assistant, translation office, Philologist, freelancer business, language courses.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

We can see from the start that the way the word linguist is defined and used in modern English is ambiguous.

The word is rather often used in military job ads as “army linguist”. The GoArmy website defines linguists’ responsibilities as follows: “translate highly classified documents and information for military troops and allied forces” 1)

At the same time, the image shown on that page is people talking and not translating documents.

The army interpreter/translator is defined as a separate category i.e. “primarily responsible for conducting ' target='_blank'>interpretation and preparing translations between English and a foreign language.”2)

In an online forum army interpreters/translators (09L) are defined as “native speakers that primarily just translate” and army linguists (35P) are defined as “intel Soldiers who collect information and use their language skills to sort through it.” 3)

We can see that this definition of linguist is as remote as it may be from what conference simultaneous and consecutive interpreters do.

The first definition of the word linguist from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is better described by the word “bilingual” or “multilingual person” i.e. someone who speaks two or more languages. Polyglot is not exactly a technical term.

The problem here is that “accomplished” is not a technical term either: there are various degrees of bilingualism and multilingualism for various purposes: a child who can help his Spanish speaking parents understand his English speaking teacher very well is certainly an accomplished bilingual for this task and his age, but he is not a linguist.

We suggest that the first definition of the word “linguist” from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary should not be used at all, and certainly not in the meaning of “interpreter” or “translator”. The first definition may also be more American English usage.

Leaving aside the difference between interpreters and translators (oral speech versus written text), the interpreter does not have to be a linguist as per the second definition of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Of course, knowledge how language works is useful but it does not make an interpreter. Linguists study differences between languages not the process of professional translation or interpretation.

What is required to be an interpreter is dedicated professional postgraduate training in language interpretation – formal education and a degree in conference (simultaneous and consecutive) interpretation.

Therefore, linguist should not be used to denote a language interpreter.


1) GoArmy, Linguists, About Army Linguists, Skilled Linguist

2) GoArmy, Linguists, About Army Linguists, Interpreter/Translator

3) GoArmy, Forum, Discussions in Intelligence & Combat Support, I have a few questions about Linguists

Download Windows Berkeley Madonna 10.1.3 for Windows

Download Mac Berkeley Madonna 10.1.3 for macOS

Version 10.1.3 08/30/2020

Version 10.1.3 fixes a major compiler bug with the STEP function: expressions of the form a + step(h,t) (but not step(h,t) + a) are calculated incorrectly in version 10.0.0 through 10.1.2. This version restores the correct behavior, as seen in versions 8 and 9.
Changed the startup process on macOS to better assist users with installing Apple's xcode command line tools, including adding links to our technical FAQ. Also improved the error message related to compilation failures due to lack of the command line tools.
Added text editing shortcuts commands for bold, italics and underline: Ctrl-B, Ctrl-I, and Ctrl-U on Windows, Command-B, Command-I, and Command-U on macOS.

Version 10.1.2 07/15/2020

Version 10.1.2 for Windows and macOS. First official version 10 release. Runs models 2-5 times faster than version 9 and has access to significantly more RAM. Does not require you to install java. See the version 10.1.1 notes below for some of changes since version 9.2.1.
We have added a new builtin function to the language: arctan2(y, x). Unlike arctan(y/x), arctan2(y,x) can distinguish between the 2nd and 4th quadrants, and similarly, between the first and third quadrents of the plane.
We will be adding many features to version 10 in the coming months, and look forward to your feedback.

Version 9.2.2 07/15/2020

We will continue to backport most feature changes from version 10 to version 9 for customers who are running on legacy Windows and macOS operating systems. These changes exclude any speed, memory and feature immprovements to the computational engine, and any changes to the old java versions required by version 9. Thus you may need to read changes for previous version 10 releases to see all the changes in the current version 9 release.

Version 10.1.1 07/06/2020

Version 10.1.1 for macOS.
First 64 bit test release! Contains a new model evalutaion engine. Model execution is roughly 4-5 times faster. Models can now use significanly more memory than the 1 GB limit for the 32 bit version 9.
Users will no longer have to install java.
On macOS, Apple's Xcode command line tools are required. When version 10 is run, if the command line tools are not present, the user will be prompted to allow the Xcode command line tools to be installed from the App Store. While it should not be necessary, you can install them manually by running 'xcode-select --install' from the command line. This process may take a few minutes.
Updated version of the User's Guide is included.
Bug fix: In beta version 10.0, models with graph statements worked, and models with dataset functions worked, but models with both language features failed. This has been fixed.
Added pop-up error messages for the compiler errors TOLERANCE < 0 and DTMAX < DTMIN.
Histograms: Better x axis ranges and tick labels. Added a right margin.
Fixed syntax highlighting region for compiler errors when the model contains multi-byte characters.
Added a popup for curve fits to indicate that the fit is ongoing. Future updates will add more information to the popup.
Added a quit button to the progress indicators for normal and batch runs.
Bug fix: If after a curve fit, the user closes the note containg the RMS deviation, a new note will appear after the next curve fit. At the moment, there is still no way to recover a closed curve fit RMS deviation note.
The datasets panel now shows 2D datasets in a spreadsheet, similar to 1D dataset.

Version 9.2.1 05/08/2020

Force the use of '.' instead of ',' as a decimal separator. This fixes a bug that prevents resetting parameters in the parameter window. Proper international entry and display of number formats will be supported in a future release.

Version 9.2.0 05/01/2020

Progress bars will now appear for long running models, batch runs and writing saving large tables to disk.
New histogram feature available on all graphs.
New graph high resolution toolbar icons.
Prevent users from overwriting built-in example models by forcing 'Save As' instead of 'Save'.
On Windows, to improve the responsiveness when moving or resizing models, only the window outline will be shown.
Saving large tables to disk is now much faster.
Selecting Edit -> Copy Image will now work correctly, copying the current graph to the clipboard.
Fixed several issues related to display of NaN and infinity in graphs, the parameter window, tables, and exported tables.
Dataset names are no longer case-sensitive: #v and #V refer to the same dataset.
Fixed several bugs relating to loading and saving models.

Version 9.1.19 07/02/2019 https://cooldload491.weebly.com/snapchat-score-booster-no-verification.html.

Bug fix for batch runs and for graphs with more than 8 lines which could cause plotting to fail. Bug fix error when discarding some or all runs under some circumstances. Improved color selection for new lines to reduce duplicates. Fix for bug in log sliders introduced in 9.1.17.

Version 9.1.18 04/01/2019

Minor bug fix for display of datasets.

Version 9.1.17 03/31/2019

Major bug fix for flowcharts using difference equations: In versions 9.0 through 9.1.16, the difference equation for a reservoir R with total inward flow J was: R(t+dt) = J. In version 9.1.17, the difference equation generated from a flowchart has been corrected to R(t+dt) = R(t) + J. This change makes difference equations match the behavior of version 8.3.
Optional Inputs lists in flowchart dialogs for reservoirs, flows, functions now correctly display only the variables defined in the Globals section. Invalid terms from the Globals section will no longer show up in these lists.
The delete button on the flowchart toolbar will no longer disappear when the window is made narrower than the full width toolbar.
Log-scale sliders now work correctly. Going from 10x to 1x sliders no longer modifes the parameter. Increased number of digits in slider readout. In some positions, the slider right arrow button would not increment the parameter.
Variable names in dialogs should no longer become invisible when selecting or removing a variable from a plot in the 'Choose Variables' dialog.
Curve fit parameters are now saved to the model file. Curve fit parameters are preserved when the model is modified between curve fits.
Crosshairs readout has been clarified and number of significant digits increased.
Increased number of significant digits in the list of parameter values between the start and stop values in the parameter plot dialog.
Fixed a bug where creating a new parameter set and editing a parameter in the dialog would not always update the parameter in the Parameter panel when the dialog was closed.
Added import and export of parameter sets. Exported sets are saved in the same format as model (.mmd) files. We may support other formats in the future. To import or export a parameter set, hit the 'New' or 'Edit' button in the Parameters panel (bottom right of document window).
Supressed excess compiler error messages when sliders are defined. After a compiler error, move the mouse cursor near the error.
Manually set Right Y Axes ranges are now correctly read from model files, instead of producing NaNs.
The datasets panel now has toggles for displaying a 1D dataset using point and/or lines. These operate independently from the selections in the drop-down menu under the 'Line Appearances' button on graphs.
Y axis labels for datasets are now the same color as the ploted data.

Version 9.1.14 01/10/2019

Bug fix for parameter plots.

Version 9.1.13 01/07/2019

Bug fixes and improvements: 1) Models could fail if you added new constants to a model in an earlier position than some already plotted variables. 2) Sometimes the wrong graph would close when clicking the 'x' on a graph or notes/flowchart/equation help page. 3) Models with datasets would fail to plot the datasets if TIME was renamed. 4) There was a bug in handling non-square 2D datasets which could cause crashes. 5) The variable lists in the Monte Carlo dialog did not have scroll bars, so if the model had many variables, only the first 10 or 12 variables could be selected. 6) Fixed a bug which prevented discarding of flowcharts. 7) Color table choice is now saved to the model file. 8) Added toggling of plot lines, just like you can toggle plot points.

Version 9.1.9 10/16/2018

Improved the default color table for line plots, and included a few alternative color tables, including a color table for users with color vision deficiencies. Click the line style button on a graph to switch color tables. Minor improvements to parameter sets. Added drag and drop support for .mmd files.

Version 9.1.6 07/20/2018

Fixed bug with datasets on Windows. macOS fix will be released as soon as possible. You can use datasets in your model. For example, for dataset '#v', use: y = #v(time) or y = #v([arbitrary expression]).

Version 9.1.3 05/10/2018

Bug fix for converting old models with spaces in the file name or path name. Flowchart size configurable in Preferences. Larger flowchart by default.

Version 9.1.3 05/10/2018

Flowchart size configurable in Preferences. Larger flowchart by default.

Version 9.1.0 04/04/2018

New stable Windows release with a new installer and signed binaries.

Version 9.1.0 04/04/2018

New stable macOS release. Some users may have problems with the app signature. We are working to replace this version. In the meantime, use the solution above to allow the app to run.

Version 9.0.128 11/07/2017

Signed the macOS version so that macOS does not complain about a damaged application.

Version 9.0.127 09/21/2017

Maintenance release

Version 9.0.126 03/08/2017

Maintenance release

Version 9.0.125 10/11/2016

Maintenance release

Version 9.0.124 02/24/2016

Maintenance release

Version 9.0.122 05/20/2015

Fixed undo in most flowchart operations.

Version 9.0.120 01/27/2015

Fixed problem of erroneously changing INIT concentrations in chemical reactions.

Version 9.0.118 04/01/14

Fixed saving of flowchart files - sub model location was not being set.

Fixed typing into globals panel so it updates equations panel correctly.

Version 9.0.117 03/17/14

Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator Translation

Fixed a crash bug which occurred when multiple documents were open and one or more were closed.

Made the panel close boxes require the user to press the control key.

Added 'Copy Image' to the edit menu for copying the image of the flowchart.

Stop activating a document after closing a document.

Fix improper enabling in the window menu.

Fix making flowchart elements with unique names.

Fix chemical reactions in flowchart document don't update equation panel

Fix parameter plots.

Version 9.0.115 02/13/14

Fixed a bug in opening old JMadonna files which had multiple views in graphs. The graphs were coming up empty and had to be deleted.

Version 9.0.114 01/30/14

Fixed a bug in sliders which caused a null pointer exception.

Idocument 1 6 28 intelk download free.

Version 9.0.113 01/28/14

Added edit menu shortcut to increase/decrease the equation panel text size

Version 9.0.112 10/16/13

show/hide middle panel from window menu

show/hide equation panel from window menu

show/hide parameter panel from window menu

Add scrollbars to icon dialog required inputs/optional inputs to prevent the dialog from getting too large.

Disable autoscale in graph if run from sliders

Version 9.0.111 07/29/13

Windows version - this version includes a separate translator program 'madonnaconvert.exe' which converts old binary model file formats into the new XML format.

When a file is imported, if it is an old version, the translator is invoked and the file is converted, such as 'a.mmd' is converted to 'a.out.mmd'.

It currently has trouble with files which contain spaces, so get rid of any spaces in filenames, like change 'a big file.mmd' to 'a_big_file.mmd'.

The Mac translator is not yet done, so if you have Mac files, convert them on a Windows machine.

Version 9.0.110 07/23/13

Mac version - this fixes a crash using the DELAY model. It will only run on Lion and Mountain Lion, and requires JDK1.7.

Version 9.0.109 04/22/13

Changed size of find/replace dialog. Fixed highlighting problem on Mac.

Version 9.0.108 04/02/13

Macintosh release - fixed engine for Mountain Lion (10.8.2, 10.8.3) and for Lion (10.7) because of changes to Xcode after Mountain Lion.

Version 9.0.107 02/21/13

Windows release - rearranged examples, how do i, jython directories to match Macintosh version

Made document windows open at 95% of height of application window in order to show iconized documents at bottom.

Version 9.0.106 02/20/13

Added a preference (default true) to the General Panel: FullScreen - to open application fullscreen.

In the preferences under the General tab, there is a preference called 'Open Docs Maximized' (default is true). If 'Open Docs Maximized' is true, then JMadonna will open all documents to be maximized inside the application window.

Version 9.0.105 02/02/13

Made the Macintosh installer more Mac-like.

Hid all the extras (Examples, How Do I, EquationHelp.htm, etc) inside the application.

Version 9.0.104 01/22/13

Fixed some problems loading old model files.

Removed beta version warning at startup.

Removed registration warning at startup.

Version 9.0.103 01/07/13

Fixed bug preventing Calc Oscillations example from loading.

Version 9.0.102 01/06/13

Fixed undo in flowchart.

Note: For Mountain Lion version, if you get an error message that the app is damaged and can not be opened, here is a workaround.

1) Open System Preferences

2) Open Security & Privacy

3) Go to the General Tab

4) Change the 'Allow applications downloaded from:' setting to 'Anywhere'

This appears to be a security issue with Mountain Lion.

Version 9.0.101 8/22/12

Updated Windows release to 101.

Version 9.0.100 7/6/12

Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translators

Made fixes to work with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)

Version 9.0.98 3/20/12

In Mac version, move Madonna window menubar to the top of the screen, like most Mac applications.

In Mac version, fix version number reported by Finder.

Version 9.0.97 3/15/12

make graph preference for axis font

make preference for parameter panel precision

make preference for parameter panel exponential notation

make equation font Serif and give no choice to the user in preferences

make equation font size choice (12, 14, 16, 18)

fix double click on axis messes with zoom

remove 'Document Color' from preferences

change preference dialog to vertical flow layout

remove table background preference

fix sliders if current value is greater than the new maximum value

Version 9.0.95 2/27/12

Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator Google

fixed crash bug when moving sliders rapidly

Version 9.0.94 2/14/12

enable copy/select all in the Debug crash dialog.

fix loading of parameter plots (space problem)

keep sliders only with names so if the model is not compiled when loaded the sliders still work

make Chemical reactions size to fit so the contents don't get cut off it they are too long.

make run label larger

Version 9.0.93 2/3/12

fixed graph.setTitle()

fixed run2.py to create a graph first if none exists, set the graph title of 3 graphs

fixed timer1.py to add setLocation so the frames are not on top of each other

fixed batchMeanMatrix to create a graph first if none exists

put 'Run Script' in main menubar script menu

Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator

fixed getarray.py to print an error message if variable A does not exist

put 'New Script' in main menubar script menu

put 'Open Script' in main menubar script menu

support script for plotCurve

support script for plotPoints

Version 9.0.91 12/26/11
online translator for old flowchart documents

Linguist Vs Translator

Version 9.0.90 11/18/11
Window selection for show all panels
Make nullcline a solid circle
Fix flowchart scrollbars
Fix histogram plotting from MonteCarlo
Help/Go To website download page
Slider automatic run with control key pressed.

Version 9.0.89 08/30/11
Moved 'difference equations' from flowchart icon dialog to flowchart menu, fixed generated equations
Started fix of flowchart scrollbars

Version 9.0.88 08/04/11
Windows version

Version 9.0.87 06/24/11
Removed file saving restriction.
Added 6 month time bomb.
Disabled automatic download of new version.
Fix bug in storing graph.
Fix bug in paste flowchart icons.

Version 9.0.86 04/26/11
Fixed cycling windows with control-'.
Made sure there is at least one selected document.

Version 9.0.85 04/25/11
fixed load HH Axon (Submodels)SSSS.mmd - forbid duplicate flowchart panels
fixed load Thyroid.MDNA 2. The problem was loading CMadonna files created an extraneous MultiPanel.
prevent multiple jython consoles
renamed doc.getTopGraphTabPanel to doc.getTopGraph because graph no longer has tabs (relevant for scripts).
added jython menu to main menu bar
import dataset dialog should remember its directory
import dataset should automatically plot the data
Monte Carlo - remove variables from parameter list. The variables are now named 'INIT A', etc

Version 9.0.84 04/20/11
make all text entry fields accept scientific notation (chemical reactions)
getArrays() - creates Jython array variables for each Madonna variable and dataset
getDatasets() - creates Jython variables for each dataset
allow script to override preference of 'plot data with circles' graph = doc.getTopGraphTabPanel(); graph.setAlwaysLines(1);
show sliders on each graph
make chemical reaction input accept scientific notation
getArray('variable') - return array of last run

Version 9.0.83 04/15/11
Fixed Model Settings dialog to retain value of Fast Execution and Stop on Execution
Fixed graphing of infinite values
The middle window can now be split into left/right or top/bottom.
Enabled Window/Move Right, Window/Move Left to move tabs
Enabled Window/Vertical and Window/Horizontal to move tabs
Enabled dragging of tabs to rearrange the order
Command-shift-w closes current document
After run, the first graph window is displayed.

Version 9.0.82 04/01/11
Enabled separate labels on graphs through preference.

Version 9.0.73 04/30/10
Scrollbars added to flowchart icon dialogs, so that dialog windows don't grow larger than screen in large models

Version 9.0.72 04/21/10
Fixed loading of corrupted models with misplaced DocPanel tags

Version 9.0.71 04/07/10
Fixed focus issue with blue Run button

Version 9.0.70 03/31/10
Open Recent submenu added
JM idle CPU usage improved
Connection timeout of 30 seconds for version check
Removed EquationSelector
Loading CM file and saving no longer loses equations if not flowchart

Version 9.0.69 03/28/10
Save table as CSV
Hold down control when drawing arc to indicate whether it's excited or not; hold down option when drawing arc to indicate whether it's inhibitory or not; excited arc shows solid circle instead of arrow; inhibitory arc shows hollow circle instead of arrow
Remove dashed lines in graph
Fixed bug in storage of images inside Notes Panel
Add multiline notes to flowchart
Add text font/size to edit menu to change notes
Nullclines range adjusted

Version 9.0.68 03/14/10
Fixed x-axis label coordinates when Variable Buttons missing
Adding/deleting variables from a compiled model, then running in same window no longer results in missing/zombie variable buttons
Choose Variables Dialog and graph's variable buttons are no longer out of sync with respect to visibility/right-axis status of variables
Plotter defaults to plotting variables governed by differential equations
No longer fails to save flowchart models created from parent CMadonna flowchart models
If equations are modified after a run (but not saved/recompiled/rerun), and the graph is temporarily obscured by a menu, the underlying areas on the graph are now redrawn correctly
Plotter colors: black, red, blue, gray, olive, teal -> black, red, blue, purple, orange
Modifying equation panel post-compile no longer clears graph
Color cycling bug that prevents colors other than black, blue, and olive from being used is now fixed
Fixed bug where if two variables start with same sequence of letters (for example, 'I' and 'InfectionRate'), both variable buttons light up with same color even if only one is selected
Plot.java's flag system rewritten
Anti-aliased graphs, to minimize jaggies in plot curves
The JMadonna.post_qmsg() methods should not be declared synchronized -- the single call to Vector.addElement is already synchronized
JMadonna.dispatch_qmsg()'s synchronized critical section that checks qmsg.isEmpty() and invokes qmsg.remove() should synchronize to qmsg, not qcs
Fixed nullclines
Default scale for FFT x-axis is log scale
Automatically moves registration.txt from old location ~/.madonna to ~/Library/Application Support/Berkeley Madonna so that users upgrading don't have to re-register
Make Mac-specific .madonna directory at ~/Library/Application Support/Berkeley Madonna
NPE in COutputFrame.showSlidersPanel
When the last document is closed, keystroke listener no longer stops responding
Cycle windows should cycle through Documents only
JMadonna.findActiveDocument() shoult not return console
Close model should not only close active document, should automatically find and activate next available document
Keystroke hints in menu set to black
Create a new MadonnaLog.txt for each day Totalfinder 1 11 5 nasb.

Version 9.0.67 03/05/10
Support added for OSX 10.5.8 Leopard users on x86_64 uarch (Core 2 and later)
Nullcline compute range extended by 25%
Dragging an object into a submodel no longer fails when submodel is surrounded by curves

Version 9.0.65 02/24/10
Parameter plot fixed
Main toolbar moved to main menu bar
Flowchart/remove image fixed
Resizing of left/right panels in multipanel with minimum size
(OSX) Get Info should display version
Notes panel text initializes to top when opened from Examples/HowDoI menu
Subprograms fixed
Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-S hotkey for Save Model As.
Green eliminated as graph color
Compute stats moved next to variable buttons

Version 9.0.64 02/22/10
Flowchart optional input list variables no longer rejected
Fixed help menu/CheckVersion so that it always reports the current version
If no document is open, equation help is disabled in help menu
Dataset - enable plot type (dots or lines)
Removed first seven buttons of toolbar
Removed toolbar 'none' option fo rmiddle panel of multipanel
Removed equation panel run button
Docs always come up centered, not offset
Fonts taken off text dialog, use only sans-serif
Close box added to Notes panel
Notes Editor stored separately from Notes Panel to fix bug in saving when Notes Panel is closed
Removed 'Show Parameters with Graph' preference
Graphs saved with empty pages no longer fails


Version 9.0.63 02/18/10
New simplified multipanel
Option to remove toolbar nixed
(OSX) Cycle windows hotkey fixed
(OSX) Key bindings platform-independent
Paste hotkey no longer falls through when image not found in clipboard

Version 9.0.62 02/07/10
Parameter plot indexing error for init, final, freq, ampl fixed
Parameter plots with renamed TIME variables fixed
UI parsing of rename TIME variables in single runs now case insensitive
(OSX) Copy and paste into register dialog fixed
Converted menu subpanel shortcuts to toggles (Dataset/Notes/Equation/Parameter Panels)
Colors cycle through black, dark blue, red, dark gray
Parameter panel occasionally did not appear after multipanel is resized smaller

Verison 9.0.61 02/02/10
After discard flowchart, equations are editable
Equation panel locked for flowchart documents
Multipanel initializes as a ratio of desktop width/height
Duplicate graph duplicates variable buttons
Duplicate graph extra page tab bug fixed
Standard deviation added to histogram
(OSX) MadToolBar buttons reverted to toggles
(OSX) MMD file icons
(OSX) JM linked to MMD file extensions in OSX Plist database
(OSX) Java console moved to JInternalFrame
Registration file moved to user's home .madonna directory
Flowchart scaling disabled
Check version states reason for failure
Jython console checks for existence of jython2.2.1 directory
(Windows) Jython2.2.1 packaged
Text display in flowchart fixed
Graph colors changed
Flowchart loading of model files with submodel bug fixed
UITextDialog displays all fonts available on user's computer
(Windows) Release JEngine.dll packaged

Version 9.0.60 1/22/10
This Windows version is released with the correct version of JEngine.dll. 9.0.59 had an incorrect Debug version of the JEngine.dll which prevented some users from launching the program.
Version check patched.

Version 9.0.59 1/20/10
Application window and document windows bounded by monitor size on loading
Document panels reload with correct positions
Mac and Linux setup installers/scripts
Registration code added for students
Disabled File menu Jython console
Storage version 18 is first supported file format - error if loader finds <18
Server version enabled only by password

Version 9.0.58 1/19/10
File/Close window - crash when trying to close console
Make graph on multipanel show when added
Fix zorder of loaded panels
When loading a flowchart model, compile the model before loading graphs.
Multipanel - if there is no graph, its container should be minimized
Create an installer for JMadonna windows. Notes: We will be making a Disk Image for the Mac, as it does not require a real installer. The Windows distribution WILL have an installer.

Version 9.0.57 01/17/10
Equation Help opens in JMadonna HTML window
Document's internal windows saved as ratio of desktop size, to make saving/loading on different monitor sizes more natural
Equation Help opens in JMadonna HTML window
Drag and drop between editor panes
Paste images into Notes Panel (Edit->Paste)
Dragging into submodel when flowchart is scaled
Multipanel created fullsize
Models set to MMD file extension
Check Version moved to menu (Help->CheckVersion)
JVM Memory Limit removed
Loaded panels restore with saved bounds/dimensions

Version 9.0.56 01/15/10
Flowchart window initializes to width that keeps all control icons visible
Nullclines added
Flowchart scalable
Insert image .PNG file filter
Notes panel scroll speed increased
(Linux)Batch runs window rendering issue fixed
About Dialog->Libraries window re-adjusted
Test modules removed from Examples/How Do I/User Library
JMadonna Equation Help (variance -> standard deviation)
Java console converted to JInternalFrame-like system
Document:getCurGraphTabPanel() and Document:getCurParamGraphTabPanel() routines updated
Parameter Panel initializes with appropriate size from toggle button
Parameter Plot storage
Parameter Plot toggle creates Parameter Panel if there is none
Check Version behavior tweaked
(OSX)Notes, Equations, Flowchart, Graph, Parameters toggle button redraw issues fixed
Sliders min/max range problem fixed
(Linux) Save dialog file filters issue fixed
Engine tokenizer code updated to maintain compatibility with GCC 4.1.2+ compilers
Fixed equation highlighter for error messages
Removed DockSliders, DockParameters
Graph Toolbar resizes to small icons if the user shrinks the toolbar

Version 9.0.55 12/30/09
MultiPanel GUI
(OSX)Java console

Version 9.0.54 12/28/09
(OSX)Exception in javax.swing.SwingUtilities fixed
Notes module includes image support, copy/paste support
Automatic error reporting
(OSX)Exception in java.awt.DefaultDesktopManager fixed
(OSX)Missing save directories are created
(Linux)Open Document dialog's file filter fixed
Console errors directed towards Jython Console
Boundary Value ODE's fixed
Java console redra

Linguist 1 9 – Menu Bar Language Translator
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